Freitag, 24. Juni 2011

Martin Heidegger

The greatest philosopher of the 20th century. Unfortunately only a few Germans and some Japanese scholars and Zen-instructors understood him till now...

8 Kommentare:

La Sombra Sofisticada hat gesagt…

I don't know much about Heidegger, but I plan to study him more in the future. The fact that he was appreciated in the far east is a good sign for me. My interest for philosophy started for real when I began studying martial arts thirteen years ago. The start of an endless journey.

"The most thought-provoking thing in our thought-provoking time is that we are still not thinking."

Kai Hammermeister hat gesagt…

I entirely agree - the most important thinker of the 20th century. I published about him repeatedly and am just now finishing another piece about Heidegger and Gadamer for a Harvard University Press volume. Do you own an edition of "Der Feldweg" that includes old photographs? If not, hunt it down.

Hilton hat gesagt…

Have you read the Safranski biography of Heidegger? It was an enjoyable book.

Anonym hat gesagt…

For those able to read in German I recommend Rüdiger Safranski's Heidegger biography, "Ein Meister aus Deutschland", a well balanced, thoroughly researched study of the man, his times, his ideas and his genius, but also of his mistakes and failures.

Laguna Beach Fogey hat gesagt…

The Master.

v. Braun. hat gesagt…

Have bought Safranskis book years ago and will look for 'Der Feldweg'. I value his thought and less any political chit-chat surrounding his biography.

Kai Hammermeister hat gesagt…

Alas, Safranski's bio is not exactly light on political correctness. A new biography has been in the making for some time now (with the support of the Heidegger family), but it still is not out. Much needed, though.

Michael hat gesagt…

Aus der erfarung des denkens